Thanksgiving is a time for reflection; a time to revisit the many reasons we are grateful for our lives and the many things, ideas, events, and people that pass through them.
Being thankful is the experience of a feeling that inspires us to appreciate everything and everyone in our lives, rather than taking them for granted. Gratitude means examining your life from the perspective of what you have, rather than what you have not.
There’s a reason why thankfulness should be practiced daily, instead of just on Thanksgiving: according to researchers at University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, people who practice gratitude and being thankful regularly are better people. They feel better about their lives, better about their relationships with others, and they also just physically feel better.
At Rainy Dayz of Oregon, we’re thankful to God for many things! Here are a few of the items on the list of things we’re very thankful for:
And, most importantly, we are thankful that our good old faithful rubber boots need a partner!
What are YOU thankful for?